Medical Marijuana: A Beginner's Guide From talking to your family about medical weed to knowing
This week, I finally convinced my father to try a cannabis salve for his arthritis. You would think after four years of reporting on the...

The Different Ways to Smoke and Consume Cannabis
When it comes to cannabis consumption, the second-most important consideration, after the flower itself, is the delivery method. This...

Sativa vs. Indica vs. Hybrid: What’s the Difference Between Cannabis Types?
When browsing Leafly or purchasing cannabis at a shop, you may notice strains are broken up into three distinct groups: indica, sativa,...

8 Ways to Counteract a Too-Intense Cannabis High
Any cannabis consumer can tell you that if there’s one feeling no one enjoys, it’s the moment when you realize, “I’m too high.” Maybe the...

Infographic: Know Your Rights When Driving With Cannabis
Getting pulled over by law enforcement while you’ve got a stash of cannabis on board presents a very delicate situation. Depending on...

Avoid These 5 Common Cannabis Growing Mistakes
Cannabis plants are known to be resilient. The plant grows successfully all over the globe in an array of climates, leading many to...

Growing Cannabis Indoors vs. Outdoors: 3 Key Differences
Cannabis has long been cultivated outdoors and is one of the oldest agricultural crops in existence. Growing indoors, however, has been...