Genesis - Throwing It All Away
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The song is about the separation of loved ones. Phil describes to his girlfriend the situation of the couple, her will to get away from him, and asks her in the end how she will manage to live without him.
More confusing to me is why Genesis chose this song to focus on the audience. It makes no sense. This is not a happy song. This is not a cheerful song. This is certainly not a song that a couple should lovingly kiss to. This is an angry song sung by a guy who is essentially telling his ex that she is stupid for dumping him and some day she will regret it. Had the camera panned to an angry woman storming away from a man who was desperately pleading with her not to go, that would have been far more appropriate.
The point here is that these songs get so horribly misinterpreted when we only pay attention to one small part. \"Need I say I love you, need I say I care\" makes \"Throwing it all away\" sound like a love song. \"Every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you,\" could be a very romantic line by the Police. \"Born in the USA,\" repeated ad infinitum certainly sounds patriotic. But when you look at the whole picture, well, then you realize that it's a completely different story.
We know we're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but we do. To be fair, I have actually read quite a few excellent books based on their covers, but that is a very small life decision. Next time you have to make an *important decision* make sure you have the entire picture. Otherwise, you just might find yourself, \"throwing it all away.\"
In parshat Miketz, the drama of the Joseph narrative moves slowly towards reconciliation between Yosef and his brothers. Before Yosef can forgive his brothers for throwing him in the pit, there must be a process of both forgetting and remembering. 59ce067264